Title: Runner's World Run Less, Run Faster Pdf Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary 3-Run-a-Week Training Program
Author: Bill Pierce
Published Date: 2012-04-10
Page: 320
With 50 percent updated content, this new edition of Runner's World Run Less, Run Faster by Bill Pierce, Scott Murr, and Ray Moss continues to promise the same tantalizing results: Readers can get stronger, faster, and better by training less. It will also include more sections for novice runners, broadening the audience appeal, as well as training plans tailored to the new qualifying times for the Boston Marathon. The quality-over-quantity approach optimizes training time and yields better performance—results runners will love no matter what distance they are racing.
Pretty good Pros:- Helpful for what to run for those of us with limited days to do it.- Convincing about the value of intensity.- Easy to navigate - especially finding charts in Kindle version.Cons:- A bit of a bait-and-switch on "run less" when an hour of cross-training twice/week is supposed to replace runs.- Too much marathon focus - it's not every runner's goal. Accordingly, lots of superfluous information.- Filler inspirational stories - book could have been shorter in many ways.If you are a runner and you thought the way to improve is to run more, read this book I believe this book was intended for serious runners; runners who want to train to be their best in specific events. I believe the training method would work well for anyone at any level or pace, but most of the information seems to be geared towards qualifiers for the Boston Marathon. Also, while the book will work for runners of all levels, from beginning to very experienced runner, the authors do recommend that you are able to run at least 15 miles per week for three months before starting their training program.The premise of the book is one of quality over quantity. Instead of increasing your running each week with a lot of junk miles, the authors recommend three key runs per week. The key runs include a tempo run, track work, and one long run. The other days are for crosstraining and rest.One recommendation from the authors that struck me is that you should concentrate on just three or four important races per year and train for those, rather than run a lot of races, something that would be difficult for me, because I love races. But that is how marathon runners become their best.I'm not running quite 15 miles per week right now, so I can't give a testimonial on how well this training plan works for me, but I am planning to run a half marathon in a few months and by the time I finish that I will have been running more than 15 miles per week for more than three months, so I will be able to test the entire training plan. For now, I am including track work in my current training plan. That much I know I need to do.The book is an easy read and makes a lot of sense. If you are a runner and you want to improve, but you thought the only way to do better is to run more, read this book. I think you'll find that by improving the quality of your training you can do better without adding more miles. At least that's what many runners who have already started using this training method have said.Great Book to Avoid Injury and Do More with Less As a 45 year old runner who got back into running after 10 years of inactivity, I wanted a simple and injury free method to get back into shape so I could run a half marathon in 6 months. I read many articles and running methods and sometimes its the simple ones that are most effective. This book breaks the oldest training myth of "no pain no gain" and the more miles you run, the better you will be. Since my goal was to maximize training without injury, I couldn't run max miles so that is reason why this book makes the most sense. Running three times a week with dedicated and focused purpose (medium tempo run, interval and slow long run) will provide maximum gains while avoiding injuries. After 3months, I can already run 13.1 miles with 10:30pace and that's medium intensity. I'm sure I can run the half marathon in less than 2hrs. I'm a believer.
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Tags: 1609618025 pdf,Runner's World Run Less, Run Faster pdf,Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary 3-Run-a-Week Training Program pdf,Bill Pierce, Scott Murr, Ray Moss, Amby Burfoot,Runner's World Run Less, Run Faster: Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary 3-Run-a-Week Training Program,Rodale Books,1609618025,Running & Jogging,Running - Training,Running;Training.,SPORTS & RECREATION / Running & Jogging.,100934 Rodale-GENERAL BL PB,GENERAL,General Adult,MEDICAL / Sports Medicine,Non-Fiction,RUNNING,SPORTS & RECREATION / Running & Jogging,SPORTS & RECREATION / Training,Sports,Sports & Recreation,Track & field sports, athletics,Training,United States,bisacsh,fitness gifts;health and fitness gifts;runner gifts for women;running gift;fitness gifts for women;gifts for the runner;runner gifts;marathon runners gifts;running gifts;gifts for runners;running gifts for women;cross country gifts;run;running;fitness;sports;health;marathon;sport;stretching;back pain;medicine;wellness;sports books;flexibility;crossfit;medical books;exercise;bones;running books;strength training;marathon training;fitness books;stretching book;health books;crossfit books,running; fitness; sports books; sports; stretching; running books; marathon training; fitness books; stretching book; gifts for runners; running gifts; runner gifts; marathon runners gifts; runner gifts for women; running gifts for women; health; sport; run; marathon; fitness gifts; health and fitness gifts; running gift; fitness gifts for women; gifts for the runner; cross country gifts; back pain; medicine; wellness; flexibility; crossfit; medical books; exercise; bones; health books; strength training; crossfit books,MEDICAL / Sports Medicine,SPORTS & RECREATION / Running & Jogging,SPORTS & RECREATION / Training,Running,Training,bisacsh,Sports & Recreation,Sports,Track & field sports, athletics
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